Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Crazy Game Of Poker...[aka Our Promise To You]

We at Maplewood Research understand that the small cap game isn't for everyone, especially those on a fixed or steady income. For those of you who are in that game, who feel the need to invest or play the markets, you should just pool money together and invest in a no-load mutual fund or a high yield closed end fund. The small-cap game is filled with people who are in "a pump and dump" game, the "short-seller even shorter cover" game, the "naked put" game, and the "I’ll bet my house on this stock, you should too" game. We are going to provide in-depth coverage of companies and from time to time feature them in our blogs. We aren't going to spam users, or send out press releases that misguide investors in any way. We are committed to service, and the services we provide our investment community. We write research reports, we write blogs, we write reviews, and spotlight emerging companies. We aren't going to claim we always pick winners, because no one is that right all the time. We aren't going to say something is HOT, just because we think so. Finally we are never going to guarantee a client, investor, vendor, reader, or visitor results at any point, at any given moment, on any given company. People who promise you the world and deliver nothing but "an I OWE YOU, or another great time to buy" are lying straight to your face. We respect the monthly traffic we get from visitors, we respect the emails both good and bad, we respect our client’s integrity and most of all we respect ourselves. We are here to stay, and we are always going to look out for the little guy.

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