Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sunny California...Black clouds in the forecast !!!

Tomorrow Wall Street is staring down at what could be the 5th or 6th largest IPO ever in the history of the markets. We're talking Blackstone, the private equity king-pin is offering up what some are calling "non-influential" shares on the open market, which means shareholders wont exactly have a say as to what happens in terms of day-to-day ops, management decisions, or as well all know equity acquisitions. Who Cares what the shareholders say in this case...let the company continue its buying spree. The IPO is certainly set to open the eyes of the individual investors looking to score in terms of the private equity boom we've seen in recent months. What does the team at Maplewood have to say about all of this? Its Simple. The Blackstone IPO will be followed by KKR, and most likely a player similar to that of Lightstones standards, simply because shares rise based on demand, if there is a limited quality of supply there then becomes an increase in demand. We're rating this a BUY right out of the gate. These black clouds aren't carrying rain folks, they are carrying the almighty, all-american Dollar. People wake up, stop debating over this senator or that senator and just BUY the stock on sheer will. Please consult your investment advisor before making any moves regarding this stock. Do not base your decision solely on our discussions on our board.

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